
For centuries many Native American Tribes have used elderberries as medicine. I really enjoy going out to gather them every fall, to be used as medicine through out the year.

Some benefits include boosting immune system, alleviate allergies, lowers blood sugar, control diabetes and are high in vitamin C.

Caution that they are not meant to be eaten raw, and can be harmful. They need to be cooked or dried for prep before ingesting.

It is not recommended for infants until six months of age, and only one tsp per day. I always advise to consult with your pediatrician before introducing something out of the normal baby cuisine.

When making the applesauce for her I omitted the honey, due to being harmful for infants under the age of one. For adults honey is a great option as it is antibacterial, can reduce cough and irritation, and rich in antioxidants.

Dusk is loving the rainbow of flavors and variety of foods.

Dusk is loving the rainbow of flavors and variety of foods.


Homemade diaper rash cream

Just mix all ingredients together with a hand mixer

One of greatest fears as new parents is when our little ones get really sick, and under the age of one makes them less able to fight off viruses and germs. Everyone will tell you “it will boost their immune system”, to give you a sense of relief, however being a first time mother, I tend to over react and stress more than most.

Dusk is just getting over the worst sickness she has ever had, it began with a deep cough and very runny nose, followed by consistent diarrhea. She refused to eat or drink liquids, and it made my heart hurt and stress levels rise. I’m lucky she is a chunky baby, and it’s understandable why she had no appetite.

However, my main concern was that she would become dehydrated with the loss of fluids and not replenishing them. This is also a great time to implement the plant medicine and use essential oils. The best way for children to utilize this medicine is topically applied to their feet, back or chest or used as aromatherapy. Here are some of my holistic tips that got us through to baby girl feeling better.

  • Coconut water is full of electrolytes and she actually would drink some

  • I introduced food pouches which allowed her to feed herself and she enjoyed that

  • Bone broth is incredibly healing for the body and boots the immune system

  • diffuser filled with rosemary, peppermint, lemon, and melaleuca(tea tree) oils for respiratory health

  • roller with same oils as above but add a carrier oil to dilute

  • humidifier

  • Saline drops for her nose, to clear out the mucus



When Dusk turned six months old I began making all of her baby food. Most pediatricians will advise you to wait till they are six months old. Your baby will show you signs and take interest in what your eating. All babies are different, and you will know what is best for your child.

I began with the basics such as squashes, apples, peas, rice cereal and sweet potatoes. I would introduce her to a new food every four days, with keeping an eye on any potential food allergies.  Once she had gone through the basics I could then start combining foods together.

It is important when making your own baby food to be VERY clean and sanitary. I have chosen to use glass containers for storage and BPA-free plastic containers. When feeding your baby out of the jars discard any left over food, that could have been contaminated by saliva.

Store bought baby food only lists the expiration date, not the day it was made. This is one of many reasons why I chose to make her food at home. The fresher the food the more nutrient dense it is, and in general better for her.

DUSK enjoying her first taste of real food, watermelon.

DUSK enjoying her first taste of real food, watermelon.

Now that dusk is 8 months old, I can incorporate a few more options into her diet.

Now that dusk is 8 months old, I can incorporate a few more options into her diet.

Just around eight months old, Dusk began experiencing her first signs of a diaper rash. I wasn’t prepared and had to use the normal go to options. I found that they worked okay, but I didn’t care for some of the ingredients and the medicated smell.

I turned to the internet and my essential oil books that offered some great alternatives. The bentonite clay helps improve skin impurities, while the shea butter is very moisturizing. This diaper rash recipe can double as a face or body mask for momma. The soothing effects of the lavender, and chamomile essential oils, assist with various skin conditions and offer a calming aroma.

Recipe ( Makes 2 small jars)

1/2 C shea butter

4 Tbsp bentonite clay

2 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil

4 drops each lavender/chamomile essential oil

store in sanitized glass jars and ready for immediate use.

store in sanitized glass jars and ready for immediate use.

Make sure to always add a carrier oil, i prefer coconut oil for it’s antibacterial and antiviral properties

Make sure to always add a carrier oil, i prefer coconut oil for it’s antibacterial and antiviral properties

I want to also include a few extra tips that made a huge difference in Dusk’s healing. One of my dearest friends Lindsey Brown who is the mother of a blended family of seven kids, also known as the (poop whisperer) implemented other ideas that made a huge impact.

  • Add lemon and stevia to water for alkalinity and healing benefits. Dusk loved this drink and it got her to drink more fluids

  • Goji berries- these magical berries are high in vitamin C, fiber, iron, and zinc. This helped with the diarrhea and Dusk absolutely loved them. Make sure to give small amounts to prevent choking hazard.